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Writing Content

What/Who is writing my content?

There have been so many advances over the past year in computer evolved “learning”; or in reality, a computer’s ability to crunch mass amounts of data, devise a strategy to segment this data against a formula, and output accordingly. No matter how you care to look at it, computers are becoming extremely intelligent. I think we are still some ways off from Terminator type global intelligence, but from a digital marketing perspective I can faintly see an SEO Skynet evolving or at least a battle on the horizon.

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Website Design

The Importance of an Attractive Website!

Nowadays, a key way to make sure your business is successful is to really establish your online presence, therefore, an attractive website is important. An attractive website design is one that intrigues viewers and makes them want to explore your website more. Here, first impressions are really important. So, what makes an attractive website?

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Panda 4.1

Panda 4.1… Are you ready?

On the 25th of September 2014, Google announced that they were making updates to their Panda algorithm, which helps determine your Google ranking. Google Panda is designed to filter out untrusted websites and to penalize websites with “thin” or poor content, and reward high-quality content. Your Google ranking can directly affect the amount of traffic to your website, so it is important to have a high-quality content.

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Blogging Benefits SEO

How Blogging Benefits SEO!

Blogging gives your business a chance to have a conversation and share their values with customers which will encourage interaction, comments, and feedback. However, there is a question as to whether it actually encourages more people to come to your website. Here are a few reasons that blogging will benefit your business!

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Mobile traffic

Is your business losing out on mobile traffic?

When was the last time you rebuilt your website? If your answer was “no” or “not in the last three years” it’s probably in need of an upgrade. Not just because web design techniques evolve and change, and as do expectations of what a good website looks like; but also because you’re likely missing out on the rapidly growing mobile web market.

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