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Penguin Algorithm

Penguin 4.0 — Rolled into Core Google Algorithm

Well here we go, on September 23rd the long awaited 4.0 update from the infamous Penguin was rolled out or more precisely, rolled in to the core algorithm. On our side not much to report for impact but we all know that it can creep up over time. I do however think that for the most part agencies are wise to these updates, and as such have integrated good practice into their structure. This should ensure that Penguin and Panda are doing what they are meant to do – namely assisting those of us doing good work and leaving the rest wanting.

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Rich Answers

Rich Answers – Will they affect your SEO?

Unsure what rich answers are? I am certain that you have come across this feature! Take a look at the pictures below, these little snippets of information have been created to give you a direct response to your query. It means that you don’t have to go trawling through site after site to find the piece of information you are looking for. As you can see below, I typed in a pretty basic question of ‘when is new year’s day’, instead of having to go into a Wikipedia page or another site to find out – the Google feature simply gave me the answer straight away. This is a brilliant way to provide direct, easy access to what I was looking for.

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Mobile Website vs App

Mobile Website vs APP

One of the questions that frequent our discussions with clients looking to update the UX and interaction for their client-base is “should we build an app” to make the user experience better and boost client retention. In 90% of the cases I have a firm answer but as this is all about producing rich blog content for you to read and enjoy, I will need to defer my thoughts for about another 600 words or so.

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